Warts are caused by viruses. The small dots, the dark peak warts are small capillary bleeding or thrombosis that.
Warts are contagious a certain extent. About 7% of school copine have warts. Highest incidence is between 12 and warts production 16 years, then falls very semnificativ.In general, a mole disappears after about a year. between 10 and 75% of warts observed in a study for a short period of time has gone by itself.
1. Apply several layers of waterproof tape over the wart and leave covered for six days and a half. Raca serious angle to remove dead skin around the wart. If Warts yet, reapply duct tape after 12 o'clock and leave again for six days and covered half. It may be necessary to repeat the process several weeks.
2. You can use the tataneasa bandage.
3. Sour apples contain magnesium oxide. Some say that by cutting Warts (incising) with a sharp blade and the application of sour apple juice, to reach the same result as that of point 1, described before and also using several threads crystallized magnesium sulphate ( Epsom salts).
4. Cabbage juice, | 3631 Miss aloe paste, slices of garlic or raw potato will help to remove warts by applying them twice a day for several days or weeks. Some warts are more difficult to withdraw, others easier.
5. Germinated corn oil can be applied over warts daily for two weeks.
6. Fifteen patients were instructed to keep the water hot (warts between 45-47 ° C) for 30 to 90 minutes twice a week. Nine of them were cured.
7. Fig milk can also be applied. A girl of 15 years old managed to completely eliminate Wart with only three applications. There are statistics that say that the lifeblood of the milk Robin \ "is also beneficial. Use a drop, which it let it dry on the wart, applying in this way every day for several days or even weeks.
8. One of the simplest treatment is to immerse warts a concentrated salt water. To get a 30% solution and add a half teaspoon of salt to a half cup of water. Keep Warts in this solution for each 20 minutes, two or three times daily for several weeks.
9. It can soften a piece of dressing in fresh pineapple juice or a piece of crushed pulp of the fruit and then applied on the wart. It is said that the enzymes in pineapple dissolve a mole sncizat.
10. Livia Warszawer-Schwarcz, PhD in medicine in the Department of Plastic Surgery has Gurnamental Rebacca Sieff Hospital in Safad, Israel, reported success in treating warts, especially countries warts (warts that appear on foot), by a process very simple. The inside of a banana skin is placed over Warts and fixed with plaster. Dressing changes daily, after washing the infected area. Once a week away the outer stratum corneum. The maximum time required for complete disappearance of warts was six weeks Warszawcr Dr. Schwarcz has not asked any relapses or tracking study that lasted two years.
11. It was reported that two patients appeared more deny payments while receiving tetracycline. When tetracycline was interrupted, warts have disappeared. And other antibiotics can produce the same effect.
12. Sunlight has shown beneficial in the treatment of warts. Dr. W.E. Nelson, author of a remarkable book of pediatrics, if warts suggests as much sun exposure to skin flush.
13. You can apply a bandage to deny castor oil, one half hour three times a day.