Here are a few quick removal skin tag tips that you may want to try whenever the skin problem erupts:1. Duct tape is a common quick wart removal trick. It may seem weird at first, knowing duct tape is your ever-ready tool for all your instant home fixes. But it is actually medically-proven to be effective. Just place a piece of duct tape on the wart for six days. Soak the affected area in warm water and scrub it off with a pumice stone or an emery board. This will remove the warts quickly.2. Dandelion is a helpful herb for quick wart removal. The secret is in the milk coming out from the end of the dandelion herb. Apply the milk on the infected area at least two times a day. In a matter of days, the warts will visibly reduce in size.3. Fig juice is also a very effective wart remedy. Just apply a few drops of fresh fig juice on the warts. Religiously do this at least three times a day.4. Another wart removal trick is marigold juice. Squeeze out the juice of 3 to 4 marigold leaves and apply it directly on the warts. Apply the juice on the infected area also for a few days for best results.5. Massaging a few drops of Castor oil on the affected area is also a popular remedy. Do this before going to bed. The castor oil will work on the warts throughout the night, effectively removing them. Rub the oil for few days. But be careful not apply an excessive amount of the castor oil as it can irritate the skin.6. Raw potato is also said to be an effective wart treatment. Simply slice a potato and put it on the infected area. Or you may try grating the potato and squeezing out its juice before applying. For best results, repeat procedure for a few days.7. Another trick is placing a slice of garlic on the warts before going to bed. Do this repeatedly for about a week observe the positive change.8. Cryosurgery is a common treatment for the fast removal of warts. But this should be done after consulting a doctor since the severity of the warts must be evaluated first before opting for surgery.9. Lastly, be on the lookout for quick wart removal products available in the market. Choose the one which contains aloe vera or salicylic acid as the main ingredient.For more information please visit:removal skin tag